Drex ltg
New Drex ltg & Royce Da 5'9

Lirical The God
Drex ltg, also known as Drex, is a recording artist and lyricist hailing from Baltimore, Maryland. With a passion for music that dates back to his teenage years, Drex has made a name for himself as a versatile artist with a real and authentic sound.
At the young age of 14, Drex discovered his love for writing and quickly honed his skills, penning both personal and collaborative projects. His music is known for its real-life themes and relatable subject matter, resonating with audiences across the globe.
In addition to his musical talent, Drex is also a savvy businessman, running his own company T.M.E.P. (True Music Element Productions) which produces and promotes his work. With several projects available on all streaming platforms, Drex's discography continues to grow and captivate listeners everywhere. Whether you're a fan of introspective lyrics or just looking for real music, Drex LTG is an artist to watch.